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IoT Based Smart Room Download Base paper Contact for More
IoT Based Smart Trolley Download Base paper Contact for More
IOT Gas Pipe Leakage Detector Insect Robot Download Base paper Contact for More
Driver Assistant System Using Ultrasonic Sensor Download Base paper Contact for More
Accessing Attendance Of An Organization Through IOT Download Base paper Contact for More

Soil Crop Prediction

This project help in maintaining the soil fertility consistently.The crop mutation allows the soil to regain the minerals that were used by the crop previously and use the left over minerals for cultivating the new crop.

IoT Based Smart Room

This project is to enhance the technical aspect of a living room so as to improve its security and easy of access more over it can be used as a patient monitoring and aid room.

IoT Based Smart Trolley

The smart shopping trolley system helps customers while shopping. The trolley has an automatic billing system and it follows the movement commands provided by the user by using an android application that was installed in customers mobile.

IOT Gas Pipe Leakage Detector Insect Robot

Gas pipes play very important roles for cities, industries and thus in growing economies. So gas leakages lead to losses as well as are a threat because they can also lead to fire accidents.

Driver Assistant System Using Ultrasonic Sensor

The main objective of our Driver Assistant System project is to develop an anti-collision system for vehicles that can be used for real-time application.

Accessing Attendance Of An Organization Through IOT

This project proposes an approach that can be applied in Universities, schools, colleges, and various Organizations. With the aid of Proposed work employees can be monitored automatically without any conventional methods and at a reasonable price compared to already existing programs.

Laser Torch Based Communication System

In Laser Torch Based Communication System project we implemented a new generation "laser torch-based voice Transmitter and receiver" which is a good replacement for the present day communication systems.

Motion Sensor for Security Light

The Motion Sensor for Security Light system uses Passive infrared sensor. These sensors are capable of sensing the presence of human being and post the same to the compar ator IC.

Blind navigation system using RFID for indoor environments

We propose an RFID-based system for navigation in a building for blind people or visually impaired.

MQTT based Monitoring System for Coal Mine using Raspberry Pi

Due to global warming and climate changes, there are challenging situations in the coal mine. To reduce the cost as well as to improve productivity along with product quality the automation in the field of a coal mine is necessary, which will also reduce the mineworkers efforts.

Raspberry Pi based Home Automation System using NFC and loT

In our proposed system a basic home automation application on Raspberry Pi, which is automatically turned ON when NFC band is within the range and turned OFF automatically when it is out of range.

IOT Early Flood Detection & Avoidance

“IoT Early Flood Detection & Avoidance System” is an intelligent system which keeps close watch over various natural factors to predict a flood

Design and implementation of a GSM-SMS based smart home system

GSM based smart home system a system developed to remotely control and monitor multiple home appliances and detect intrusion using a cellular phone. This system is based on GSM network technology for the transmission of SMS from sender to receiver.

Design and implementation of a real-time traffic sensor

This project proposes the model of a system that has the ability to balance out the level of traffic congestion between different highways that all share the property of leading a passenger or driver to the same destination.

Simulated model of a drone system (UAV)

The goal of this project is to build a simulated model of a drone system, modify, and improve an existing quadcopter kit to obtain a learning platform for students and anyone interested to be exposed and have a full knowledge of drones and how they work.

Smart Irrigation System IoT

Every living organism needs food to llue, We cannot imagine life without Irrigation. If everything gets automated even irrigation systems also need to be. We have developed a Smart Irrigation system using the concept of loT.

Wireless Petroleum Level Measurement Using Ultrasonic Digital Sensor

Liquid level indicator is a device meant to overcome the stress of opening reservoir or dipping rod into the tank for gauging the level of the liquid.

Design and implementation of staff attendance system using biometric (fingerprint)

Employee Attendance System (EAS) is an application developed to manage and monitor employee attendance and information. The purpose is to make sure that the employees are punctual and do their jobs on time.