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This project intends to illustrate the modelling of a data set using machine learning with Credit Card Fraud Detection.
This project help in maintaining the soil fertility consistently.The crop mutation allows the soil to regain the minerals that were used by the crop previously and use the left over minerals for cultivating the new crop.
The main objective of this concept is to monitor, maintain and control each individual cells in a battery pack. Machine Learning (ML) has emerged to tackle complicated computational real-life problems that were previously difficult due to advancements in digitalization .
Blood donation is required during an organ transplant, accidents, cancer treatment etc. For blood donation, one needs to check for a donation camp or needs to visit blood bank. The Manual Blood donation system has many disadvantages which includes, it is too time consuming, often leads to error prone results, consumes lot of manpower, lacks donor information, retrieval of data takes a lot of time, percentage of accuracy is less. In the time of emergency, it becomes difficult to approach the right donor.
The goal is to build a system for air quality prediction in atmosphere and to investigate which supervised machine learning methods are best suited to solve it.
This paper present simple shadow detection and reconstruction methods on high resolution satellite image. Accurate shadow detection by applying grayscale conversion algorithm, morphological filtering and sauvola algorithm.
People have different destination options for the holidays but sometimes our options for vacations are not good all the time to visit every place, because some destination are only famous and worth visiting at a particular season.
This project proposes an approach that can be applied in Universities, schools, colleges, and various Organizations. With the aid of Proposed work employees can be monitored automatically without any conventional methods and at a reasonable price compared to already existing programs.
This Logo Detection project aims to help users identify forgeries by analysing the logo on the product. Along with helping users identify the logo, this app also helps brands combat logo piracy.
The system functioning is based on selecting different simulations that happen on the road networks to bridges with different speeds of cars which has different weights than the system will make sure the bridge is not overloaded by detecting the load that enters the bridge and that which leaves the bridge.
We propose an RFID-based system for navigation in a building for blind people or visually impaired.
Recognizing facial expressions would help systems to detect if people were happy or sad as a human being can.
The efficient use of energy becomes more crucial when an increase in the cost of energy is observed. Since energy management is required to define the amount of consumed energy in a specific period of time, the utilization of Energy Meters is essential.
“IoT Early Flood Detection & Avoidance System” is an intelligent system which keeps close watch over various natural factors to predict a flood
This paper examines the capability of several energy conversion processes to provide sufficient energy in a world where the non-renewable resources are getting depleted.Moreouer pollution caused by them is increasing at a rapid rate
GSM based smart home system a system developed to remotely control and monitor multiple home appliances and detect intrusion using a cellular phone. This system is based on GSM network technology for the transmission of SMS from sender to receiver.
This project proposes the model of a system that has the ability to balance out the level of traffic congestion between different highways that all share the property of leading a passenger or driver to the same destination.
This research project is dedicated to providing a new system that would solve the problem of organizations use of complementary cards to share contact inform ation.
This project was centered on developing an online veterinary management system. The conventional process of record-keeping, drug prescription and treatment are not automated and as such impact service delivery and patient's experience.
The project aims at developing an online whistleblower system to aid in fighting corruption. In the last decade, corruption and other economically motivated crimes have been on the increase.
Human resource management system (HRMS) is an application that combines many human resources functions, including employee records, payroll system, recruitment and training, performance appraisal and retirement administration system review into one package in order for the organization to perform at a maximum and highly fulfilling environment
This project present will able to water your plants in the garden on a regular basis while you are out of station.
loT technology spread its wings to the Medical sector to save many lives. The aim of developing this project is to monitor the health condition of a person anywhere and send the information to a specialized doctor to check up.
The goal of this project is to build a simulated model of a drone system, modify, and improve an existing quadcopter kit to obtain a learning platform for students and anyone interested to be exposed and have a full knowledge of drones and how they work.
Every living organism needs food to llue, We cannot imagine life without Irrigation. If everything gets automated even irrigation systems also need to be. We have developed a Smart Irrigation system using the concept of loT.